Prompt for March 3, 2014 – Day 62

First Monday of March — and it doesn’t look like winter’s loosening its grip on any of us yet.

Here’s a prompt to keep you busy if you’re stuck at home due to the weather today.

Prompt Type: Toolbox

Prompt:  Come up with a character who might have the following array of items in a purse, backpack, their trunk, etc–then write a scene in which they use some (or all) of these items to save the day.

  1. Fishing line
  2. Two spools of fabric ribbon
  3. Bottle of soda
  4. A bag of carrots
  5. Three pairs of blue jeans
  6. A flare gun

Got an idea for a prompt?  Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for March 2, 2014 – Day 61

Another weekend coming to a close.  Happy Sunday, folks.

Prompt Type: Quotation

Prompt:  Write a scene inspired by the following quote. It could be set in the time period when the quote was spoken, could involve the quote itself, or could simply be inspired by the theme of the quote.

We are not a family, we are a firm.

— George VI of England, quoted by A. B. Baxter in Destiny Called to Them (Oxford University Press, 1939)

Got an idea for a prompt? Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Updated cover reveal for The Measure of Dreams

I’m almost finished with the main draft of the next UNSETIC Files book, The Measure of Dreams, which tells the story of how AJ McConaway and Kate Berkshire meet and begin working together.  AJ and Kate are number one and two in the trifecta of heroines that keep Tim McConaway (Bering Songs and Silence) from going completely off the deep end–or worse, somehow returning to the kidnappers who twisted him into their own image.  Kate’s already met the third of their trio at the time of The Measure of Dreams, but AJ hasn’t and won’t until she gets a phone call from one Lieutenant Brigid O’Connell at the end of Bering Songs and Silence.

I anticipate releasing The Measure of Dreams sometime this spring (oh god, did I just set a deadline for myself?  I think I did!) and with this anticipated release I’d been looking at the cover I’d originally designed.

I decided I didn’t like it and needed something better.

So I made something better and here it is!  I hope you all like it as much as I do.

The Measure of DreamsStay tuned for more tie-ins to The Measure of Dreams coming soon (including stats so you can use AJ McConaway in your modern or near future d20 games) as well as a firm release date for the E-book.

Prompt for March 1, 2014 – Day 60

Holy snap, it’s March.  When did that happen?

It’s also Day 60!  Thanks for sticking with me this long.  Today’s prompt is another opening line–do with it what you will.

Prompt Type: Opening line

Prompt:  The sky blackened and the winds picked up, a frightful chill in the air sank straight into his bones as the world suddenly changed.

Got an idea for a prompt?  Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.