When All’s Said and Done


The Institute was dead.

Ky Thatcher has spent the last four years of her life trying to forget. Then one August night, a ghost from her past brings reality slamming home: she has neither forgiven nor forgotten the organization that kidnapped her when she was nine years old.

The Institute is still alive.

For Ky and her allies, it becomes a race against time to stop the Institute before more lives are lost and more innocents can be broken. Confronting horrifying truths and far-reaching conspiracies, the angels and their newfound protectors bring the fight right to the Institute’s doorstep, knowing the price they may pay could be higher than they can bear.

The Institute has a plan.

The end is coming–they will make it happen, with or without their wayward angels, even as those angels make war on them. For the Institute, their goals are worth the blood spilled.  Sacrifices must always be made, after all.

When all is said and done, no matter what the cost, the Institute will fall.

A Lost Angels Chronicle.

Timeframe: Summer/Autumn, 2009
Locale(s): Michigan
Angels depicted: Ridley Thys, Laren Vespers, Hadrian Bridger, Allyson Conner, TS Thatcher, and Ky Monroe
Other major figures: Julia Kinsey, Damon Zakarian, Reece Bailey, James McCullough, and Matthew Thatcher

Publication type: Novel

2 Replies to “When All’s Said and Done”

  1. Where can I find this novel? I purchased and read the first novel “What Angels Fear”. Then I went to purchase the next book but couldn’t find it anywhere. I managed to stumble upon this site and found the name of the next book but not where to buy it. Help, please!

    1. The reason you can’t find it is because it’s…not finished yet. When I admit to this book being one that I’ve been drafting for about half my life, I’m not exaggerating. We are in something like draft four of it at this point.

      The good news is that Ridley and Julia play a much bigger role in the current draft than previous iterations. The bad news is that I’m not sure when it’s going to be released.

      I started the most recent draft last November and like it much better than previous versions (to the point where this will probably be the final shape of the book, give or take revisions). I have some chapters of that current draft available on Patreon that are free – NaNoWriMo 2023 (WASAD redraft) – Chapter 1 is the first of those.

      But a release date? I still don’t have one, unfortunately. Writing is hard, especially when writing fiction isn’t your full-time job. But it’s still coming. That much I can promise.

      I love characters you haven’t even met yet too much for that to not happen 🙂

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