Prompt for January 1, 2014 – Day 1

Happy New Year, everyone!  As we say farewell to the old and ring in the new and celebrate new beginnings, I give you the first prompt of 365 Days of Writing Prompts.

Prompt Type: Opening Line


I stood at the top of the rise, watching the fires burn in the distance, knowing that my world had changed forever and nothing would ever be the same.

Good luck!  Check back tomorrow for your next prompt.

Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Writing prompts coming January 1, 2014

Starting on January 1, 2014, visitors to Doc Says Rawr! will be able to avail themselves of daily writing prompts.  These will be in various forms, sometimes pictures, sometimes music, sometimes prose, and sometimes just genre, character, setting, and a plot seed to fuel your writing.

Sometimes, you might even get a bit of prose out of me based on the writing prompts I post!

Visitors are welcome to share these prompts as long as they link back to me.  If the prompt provided sparks something wonderful, run with it!  The writing process can be awesome like that, and best of luck to you with whatever you come up with.  I claim no ownership of whatever you come up with based on the prompts I provide.

See everyone on January 1 for prompt #1!