Prompt for January 12, 2014 – Day 12

Happy Sunday, folks!  A new type of prompt today.

Prompt type: Rewrite a scene from a historical document

Prompt:  Reimagine the scene below however you’d like.

 He walked for five miles away from Dorchester
And came to a hilltop very high and beautiful,
Where he fell on his knees in prayer calling continually upon God
For Him to avenge him on the accursed people
Who had dishonored him with their harmful actions.
Our Lord heard his voice reaching into heaven
And set down his vengeance on the wretched people
Who had hung sting-ray tails on to the clerics:
Those tails were stuck on to them, and for this they can be derided;
All that tribe were disgraced: they all had little muggles,
And in every household people called them ‘mugglings,’
And every gentleman says foul things about them…

Selection is from Lawman’s Brut, translated by Rosamund Allen. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992.

Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.