Prompt for October 18, 2014 – Day 291


Prompt Type: Quotation

Prompt:  Write a scene inspired by the following quote. It could be set in the time period when the quote was spoken, could involve the quote itself, or could simply be inspired by the theme of the quote.

I can’t recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass.

— Frodo Baggins, Return of the King (film)

Got an idea for a prompt? Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for October 16, 2014 – Day 289

Oh look, it’s Thursday! Wish me luck in getting through the rest of my week and I’ll do the same for you.

Prompt Type: Opening line

Prompt: “Sometimes the ends that justify the means aren’t necessarily the best ends and the means are certainly not the best means.”

Got an idea for a prompt? Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.