Prompt for January 29, 2014 – Day 29

Hey look, halfway through that pesky work week for the MTWThF crowd!  Two more days and we’ll be at the end of January.

Prompt Type: Opening Line

Prompt:  I saw him standing there at the counter by the pastry case, waiting for the barista to give him his cup of coffee.

Let’s see what you can do with that.  Feel free to change the gender of who your protagonist is seeing as needed.

Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for January 20, 2014 – Day 20

Good gracious, how is it already the 20th?

Another day, another prompt.  Really curious to see what folks do with this one, since it was one of those things that came to me a long time ago that I was never able to do anything with beyond a few paragraphs.

Prompt type: Opening line

Prompt:  “Why, All-Father, have you forsaken me?  What was my affront to heaven that has doomed my people?  All-Father, I willingly give myself to you, but I must know!”


Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for January 10, 2014 – Day 10

Happy Friday!  Here’s a prompt to help you celebrate the coming weekend.

Prompt type: Opening line


“You will embrace your destiny,” he said firmly, “or you will simply die trying.”


Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for January 1, 2014 – Day 1

Happy New Year, everyone!  As we say farewell to the old and ring in the new and celebrate new beginnings, I give you the first prompt of 365 Days of Writing Prompts.

Prompt Type: Opening Line


I stood at the top of the rise, watching the fires burn in the distance, knowing that my world had changed forever and nothing would ever be the same.

Good luck!  Check back tomorrow for your next prompt.

Got a suggestion for a prompt? Contact Erin at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.