Prompt for February 27, 2014 – Day 58

Thursday!  One more day before the work week’s done.

Here’s your prompt for today to keep you busy while I fight to finish the main body of The Measure of Dreams.

Prompt Type: Music Prompt


Music is “Let it Go” from Disney’s Frozen. Yes, I am obsessed with this song like everyone else. Video courtesy of YouTube.

Got an idea for a prompt? Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for February 26, 2014 – Day 57

Happy Wednesday!  Halfway through the work week for a lot of us.

Bringing back a prompt today that we haven’t seen since January.  Hopefully, you’ll find it inspiring.

Prompt Type: Character Development

Prompt:  Think about your antagonist/villain and what motivates them.  Boil it down to one vice or virtue–love, greed, envy, fear, hope, etc.–that drives what they do.

Now change it up.  How would your villain be different if hope motivated them?  Write a character sketch or scene detailing how hope motivates the actions of your antagonist/villain.

Got an idea for a prompt? Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for February 24, 2014 – Day 55

Back to the daily grind today.  It almost doesn’t feel like reality except for the fact that sometimes it feels too much like reality.

Like I do every year around this time of year, I’ve begun thinking about going back to school for an MFA or maybe my Ph.D.  This feeling will likely fade and then resurface again in September.

Here’s an opening line prompt to start your week with.

Prompt Type: Opening line

Prompt:  It was all so incredibly vast and unfamiliar–the crowds rushing around him, the buildings looming.  It was as if the entire world was in a hurry, trying not to be late for fear that the very foundations of their existence would crumble and the city would topple if they ran just an instant behind.

Got an idea for a prompt?  Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for February 23, 2014 – Day 54

Yesterday was the last day of Desert Nights, Rising Stars and I’m sad to see it end.  It was another awesome conference and I’m glad that I went.

Flying back to Michigan from Arizona today–back to the freezer, right?

Here’s a prompt to keep you busy while I’m traveling.

Prompt type: Image prompt


Photo by Erin M. Klitzke
Photo by Erin M. Klitzke

Got an idea for a prompt?  Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.

Prompt for February 22, 2014 – Day 53

Last day of Desert Nights, Rising Stars 2014.  Kind of makes me sad!

Music prompt today–one that reminds me a lot of Tim McConaway from the UNSETIC Files.  I listened to it while walking back from Old Main at ASU to my hotel yesterday evening.

Prompt Type: Music Prompt


Music is “The Fighter” by The Fray. Video courtesy of YouTube.

Got an idea for a prompt?  Email me at emklitzke (at) gmail (dot) com.