Basic update – 2.18.09

So the rough page count on the thesis stands at fifteen, including a page of figures (which is actually just a map from Caroline Shenton’s fantastic article from EHR 114).  About…hm.  Half of that is actual things written that I’ve thought through and mulled over in my brain.  All single spaced.  Still a ton of work to do, though — a huge, major ton of work to do, which may either commence tonight or tomorrow morning, I’ll decide after I’m done writing this (the sister brought me coffee from Starbucks, so I’m going to be up for a wihle longer, that’s for certain).  As for Epsilon, the count stands at six and a half pages (a shade over 4,000 words) on draft 3.5 (waiting on feedback from a couple folks on the beginning; I’ve been scribbling notes in a notebook like crazy for a couple weeks, though).  Not a bad start, considering I hadn’t really touched it in more than a year.  Things are looking to become far darker and strangely more interesting the more I stew over concepts and ideas for the story.

Bunch of short stories either need to be scrapped or worked over, and worked over hard so they’d be something publication-worthy.  Definately leaning toward the former, since most of them are just too damned long.

The great hunt for a Ph.D program begins!  I sent out some information requests today (as well as my application for the Medieval Academy).  Definately thinking about going to the conference at the end of next month in Chicago…but probably won’t go.  I’m just thinking it’s not in the cards this year.  Maybe next year (heck, maybe next year I’ll have something to attempt to present.  Wouldn’t that be awesome?)


Spring break next week!  Not going anywhere, but still.  It’s spring break!

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