One of those days…

It’s just one of those days.  Have to work at 5pm (which means I head to the mall sometime between 3:30 and 4 so I can grab some dinner at the food court), which means I really don’t want to settle in to anything that involved.  I almost feel like playing a console game (Assassin’s Creed) but that falls into the category of “something involved”…and the basement is a mess.  At least, that section of the basement is a mess, and I don’t feel like cleaning up after the little brother, who created the mess.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe not.  Who knows.

I should really probably be writing, or doing some serious thesis research, but I’m in one of those “meh” kind of moods to both–the muse just isn’t making noises at me right now, even though I wish it would.  And then there’s Aurora Force stuff that I should be doing, but again…the meh.

I need to clean my room, but there’s not enough time to dive into that task and then get ready for work, and I don’t really want to leave it half finished.  That may end up being a Saturday project–I need to look over the books on my shelf.  I’m thinking about ordering Timothy Zahn’s Conquerors trilogy–I have book one, but not the other two.  Of course, I could just go to Borders today before work and see if they’ve got anything shiny.  I heard that Ashbringer comes out as a graphic novel next week.  That could be very cool.  Too bad it didn’t come out this week.

I should get around to finishing Arthas–I’m getting very close to the end.  Might as well just finish it off.  Probably going to do that now.

Yup.  Think I will.

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