June gaming element challenge – Arcadius

Item Type: Deity

Arcadius – God of the earth

Arcadius, god of the earth, is often forgotten in the worship of those living in the “civilized” world.  The continent of Arcadia is sacred to him.
In truth, the elves largely worship the pairing of Immeria and Arcadius as the Goddess and God, the Divine Equals.  Many of the shrines and ruins in the wilds of Arcadia bear strong elven architectural features and were in fact crafted thousands of years ago by a combination of humans and elves that once lived on the massive continent).

Principle organizations: Kami no Kyoudai (Brothers Divine)

June gaming element challenge – Fragments of the Crownsong of Aristylia

Item Type: Fragments of a song or prophecy

The rise of the Unknown Star
Born of the moon’s light,
Of the black of night,
Blighted by betrayal, cursed and thrown down,
Forced to wait in silence and in doubt
For the coming of a new light
Born of two lines, pure and tainted,
Dark and light
But chosen of a Goddess shadowed,
Come to claim what once was lost
What once was stolen away
To claim the legacy of the Night and the Star.

With children grown
And from nest flown
Returned to the lands
Of a life long gone.
A threat from without and within
A fight that cannot be lost she must win.

June gaming element challenge – The Black Ship

Item Type: Adventure Seed

Old spacers tell the tale of the Black Ship, said to be a ghost ship, lost to the space lanes when the first cryoships were starting to ply the dark places between the stars. The markings on its hull suggest it came out of the yards over Mars sometime in those early days, but no record of the ship exists in any system that anyone’s been able to find–at least so far. Those who have managed to board the derelict have found empty cryotubes but nothing seemingly out of place. All of the escape pods are there. All of the spacesuits are there.

And yet, none of the thousands of people who should be on the ship seem to be there. The cryotubes look like they had been used, or so the stories say. Some whisper that the first people who found the ship sent a few of their crew aboard, only for the ship to warp away–and then be found again a week later by that same ship with no sign of the few crewmembers they sent over aboard.

The old spacers say it’s an ill omen, a cursed ship, and its ghosts are better left undisturbed. No mystery is worth one’s life.

Or is it?

June gaming element challenge: “The Night and the Evening Star”

Item Type: Bard’s song

Upon a midnight clear
After twilight’s last dawning
The union of houses is blessed by the stars
Darkness and light are thus wedded.
How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

Brighter than the lights of the world
The light of their love did shine
But for the wrongs of their kin
The young lovers, they would pay.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

And from the love of the star and night
A beautiful child was born
Brighter than the sun in the sky
The child’s light did shine.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

Love is brief, even when meant to be,
And theirs was no exception.
All life was stolen from the night,
Under the frightened eyes of the star.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

The blood of the night thus was spilled
And the wars of the crown raged on.
The son that they had was lost to us,
Lost to you and me.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
Fate ensures what’s meant to be,
As does destiny.

And so from memory fades their tale,
Of the love of the night and the star.

“In the Grass” (a Star Wars snippet)

“You didn’t come to bed last night.”

She shifted her shoulders, drew the shawl tighter around her shoulders. The yarn was soft against her fingers as she tangled them through the knots of its pattern, the garment smelling of laundry soap, faintly, Dalsuna’s cologne. The patch of grass between the house and the edge of the water was small, but large enough for them to play with their son without too much fear of him toppling over into the canal. She sat in the center of that grass, her bare toes slowly going numb in the morning damp and chill, watching as the sun slowly crept up over the canal and the parkland beyond. It was a rare sight, that much green on the other side of the canal. How her husband had managed to find it, she wasn’t sure—nor had she ever asked.

She was wise enough now to know when to leave things alone.

Sometimes, at least.


“I took a walk,” she said, patting a spot in the grass next to her. “I couldn’t sleep—wasn’t going to be able to sleep. I’d meant to clear my head and come back, but I ended up at Mickie’s and then I ended up at the school.”

“You went flying.”

She nodded, staring at the sunrise as he settled next to her. Calloused fingers wrapped around hers, squeezed gently. A faint smile curved her lips and she squeezed back, glancing at him. “I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

“Me, worry? Why would I worry? It’s not like my wife isn’t a former intelligence officer who’s probably pissed off more than her share of people on both sides of the not-war-anymore. It’s not like I’ve gotten used to you being there to reassure me when I wake up in a cold sweat at three in the morning after another nightmare.”

She winced. “I’m sorry, Dal.”

He exhaled a long breath, then wrapped his arms around her, resting his cheek against her braided hair as she leaned into his embrace. “It’s okay. It took a couple seconds, but I could still feel you, so that was enough.”

“I should’ve been here,” she murmured into the soft cotton of his shirt. She closed her eyes and breathed in, tension draining from them both with each breath, each beat of their hearts. “I hadn’t meant to be out all night. I thought I was just clearing my head.”

“The old ghosts swam back up, huh?”

She nodded, pressing her face against his shoulder. Her voice came muffled; likely he felt the words more than heard them. “There’s so many. And so much I just—left behind.”

“What brought it on this time? It’s usually not for no reason.”

“A letter from an old friend,” she said softly. “Reassurance that he’s okay. He told me I did the right thing.”

“But you’re still not sure.” He pulled back, peering down at her with a furrowed brow. Those green eyes of his snared her all over again, like they had the first time she’d seen him in the mess hall on a base that didn’t exist anymore a hundred light years away. “Even after all this time.”

“No,” she said slowly. “I did the right thing. But it’s not over. Not yet.”
His frown deepened and he canted his head to one side. “What’s not over?”

“The war,” she whispered, then leaned into his chest again. “We’ve all just stopped fighting for now. But it’s not over. I don’t know if it ever will be.”

“It is for us,” he said, squeezing her tight and burying his nose in his hair. He was quiet for a moment, then added, almost too quietly to hear, “At least for now.”

She nodded. “Yeah. At least for now.”

They sat there together in the grass as Corel cleared the horizon, its light glittering on the water of the canal and off the metal and glass of the city around them.

June gaming element challenge – The Crownblade of Ameth Tren

Item Type: Artifact

This artifact was created over ten thousand years ago by the legendary Dwarven bladesmith Amos the Red and the elven High Mage Trellian Silvermorn and was bound to the now-lost kingdom of Amath Tren.  The blade was carried by every King and Queen Regnant of the realm until its fall almost two thousand years ago.  Legend says that when the time is right, the Crownblade will call the next ruler of Amath Tren and the reclamation and resurrection of the kingdom will begin.

The weapon itself is a longsword crafted of high-quality steel enchanted to prevent weathering or rusting of the blade and its trappings.  The hilt is poured of rose and white gold with a pattern of the moon and starts along the cross-guard.  The grip is wrapped with silver-gray sharkskin and wired in white gold.  A cabochon of polished labradorite caps the pommel. Other enchantments on the blade include a binding to the kingdom of Amath Tren, a binding to the royal bloodline of Amath Tren, and the ability to call a storm of ball lightning in the form of small stars once per day.  The storm will last 2d10 minutes and must be channeled throughout in order to be maintained.  The damage of the ball lightning scales based on the overall skill of the blade’s wielder.

On nerd love and challenges

I’d meant to write this post yesterday, but instead here I am, in the post-Kenobi glow, writing it at 6:30 in the morning, halfway through a cup of coffee, listening to birds outside, the traffic on 4 Mile and Alpine, and the morning news. After two days of unseasonable heat, the weather’s broken and if I had the wherewithal, I could clean my patio table and chair and work outside for a bit this morning.

It is wherewithal that I do not think I possess this morning, nor would my cats appreciate it very much, since they’ve grown very used to cuddling me while I work.

None of this is what I intended to write about today, of course.
Anyone who has known me for any span of time knows that I am, at least on some level, a nerd, a geeky girl, however you’d like to describe it. I came to it early (thanks Mom, for some long-forgotten day when there was a Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon on TV and you were doing my hair for something—I don’t know what it was, but it was at the old house and I remember it) and it kind of evolved from there. Star Trek was definitely my first nerd love, but others came behind it—and, in the case of Star Wars, quickly surpassed it.

I don’t remember seeing Star Wars until I was maybe eleven or twelve years old. We got the boxed set of movies at I think Birch Run one year. I remember sitting on the couch in the house I grew up in, watching it for the first time. I was maybe thirteen, maybe a little older. This was before the special editions, before sequels. It was even the early years of the EU—what’s now become the Star Wars Legends line. The first Star Wars book in our house wasn’t even mine, it was allegedly my brother’s, but you can probably guess where that book is now.
That’s right. On my bookshelf, tattered and worn, the blue-covered trade paperback of Heir to the Empire. After the X-Wing novels, the trilogy that started with that book is probably among the most-read books in my collection.

Star Wars is a nerd love that led me to another, one that defines me as equally as several others—it made me a gamer.

Historian. Writer. Gamer.

Yup, that’s me.

Really, this post was meant to be about gaming less than Star Wars, but understanding that nerd love—my many, many nerd loves, but that one in particular—really helps set up the challenge hinted at in this post’s title.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been considering issuing a challenge to myself with regard to blogging. At first, I thought maybe I’d do a month-long run of writing prompts—I did get a new camera, and it could be fun to do interesting image prompts. Slowly, though, as I continued to think, that idea was discarded, at least for now. It’s not to say I might not do it later, I’m just not going to do it right now.

No, I think that this month, in June, I challenge myself in a different way: playing around with something I’d long abandoned, which is developing things for tabletop RPGs. There was barely a night between 2000 and 2005 when I didn’t have a standing game to either run or play—the only nights excluded were either in the summer or reserved for a club meeting (and even then, sometimes there would be a game after a meeting).

I ran a few campaigns myself over the years. One was a large D&D game in my own homebrewed setting, two Forgotten Realms campaigns that became one, and a Star Wars campaign that lasted for more than a year. Those are probably the games I ran that I look back on the most fondly: Forgotten Realms and Star Wars.

Now, as I prepare to possibly run Star Wars for the first time in forever—and trust me, there is so much about my Star Wars gaming experience that didn’t make it into this post (like the 12 years I spent writing Star Wars online with some folks that I appreciate more and more the older I get, especially because they put up with me back in the day)—I’ve decided to also challenge myself to create characters, to create settings, to write adventures and post them for folks to do with what they will. Some of them, of course, will be set in my various writing worlds. Others will simply exist.

So, wish me luck. I’m getting back to my nerd loves, and challenging myself to try something a little new and a little daring and a lot ambitious.

We’ll see how this turns out.

Oh, by the way. Happy Pride.