Back in the GM’s chair

I’ve slipped back into the gamemaster’s chair recently for the Thursday night crew–Torg GM is absolutely torched, so I volunteered to step up and run something.  That something is Maraeternum, the World of Endless Ocean.  It’s a world that I’ve been playing around in for several years now with a longtime friend of mine from my Star Wars days and it’s actually kind of cool to be able to run something in it.  Last night was the second session of it and everyone’s backgrounds are already crossing nicely (whether some folks are realizing it or not).  No barfights–not yet–but I’m sure that’ll come soon enough.  They’re scoundrels and pirates–it’s bound to happen sooner or later.

It’ll be an interesting ride.  I have several plotlines that are starting to be seeded.  Some they’ll walk right into.  Others….


Torg Update, session of 9 July 2009

So, two weeks ago in Torg, in the session I didn’t actually write anything about since not much happened, we’d picked up Amhotep, an Egyptian mathematician (read: math wizard-priest) that we’d met while we were in Cairo (this character is a replacement for Amarant) while still in London and then picked up Molotov Dolly (real name: Mable; Terran Mystery Man) on the way into what’s left of the Chunnel, having decided that it was probably the best and safest way to get to France from England.  After weathering another reality storm, we ended up running into an Executioner on the CyberFrance side of the Chunnel who told us to turn around and leave, or die.  Of course, we can’t turn around and leave since we have to rescue DeSoto, figure out this Odette/Mariah tangle, and get the Starfire Wheel back from the bad guys (ie, the pope).  So we keep going.  (Apparently, the executioner also told Mei Lin that it was nice to see her again.  How delightfully odd.)  At the far end of the tunnel, we find a red, sharp-edged metal spade made of the same sort of material as the executioner’s helmet with the name “Carrie” on it–Carrie being the real name of our very own Grace.  This was two weeks ago.

This week, we trekked through the French countryside.  Of course, someone has informed the local lord that there are strangers in his land (I’m going to lay odds on the executioner, but who knows who told him) and he tracks us down.  Luckily, we bluff him into thinking we’re not as weird as we actually look (…of course, now that I think about it, this could totally be a trap and we just walked right into it — Ren should PROBABLY pull Grant and Mable aside and share this fear) and the local lord, Faust something-or-other, invites us home with him, assuming that Ren, Grace, and Anhotep are servants to Mei Lin, Albert, Grant, and Mable.  This results in three of us basically being left to our own devices when not needed by our “lords and lady” or being summoned to prayer (upshot of the prayer part is that Ren’s learning more and more about the differences between Catholicism and the new orthodoxy in France) and thus left us to sit back and be entertained by the social blunderings of poor Mei Lin, who is posing as a young male cyberknight.

Who got us invited to go on Crusade.  Lovely.  At least it gets us on the road to Avignon.

On the road to Avignon, Ren told Mable what she knew about gospog fields after mentioning that there could be real trouble if all the people Lord Faust had been rallying actually decided to go on Crusade against the demons–they’d just be more bodies to plant.  The next night on the road, Mei Lin gets a strange feeling and wanders out into the woods, only to run into something she described as a Techomage–something she thought was only a myth.  He had said his name was Galen, and then spouted something at her about a prophecy — apparently, we’re in the second round of a prophecy, one where we must “wake the sleeper.”  Albert suspects the sleeper is Odette.  Anhotep dropped Mei Lin into a vivid dreaming to hopefully find out more information….and waiting for her to wake up is about where we left off for the night.

So, apparently CyberFrance is going off to war against the Technodemons that were assaulting NATO forces that Ren was formerly attached to in Germany and further east.  Bloody glorious.  We’re all in scads of trouble.  Scads.

Post-vacation update #1

Back from Wisconsin, and what a glorious trip without worrying about work calling me it was.  I got a bit of writing done, both WoWFic–including starting a new story, “Family Ties“–and work on Epsilon (Jen mentioned last night after her perusal that there was a marked shift between Sam Cooper’s attitude toward Aaron in one scene and her reaction to him the next morning.  I promised her it’d make sense later).

I’m still working in part on the revitalization efforts for Sentinels (US) — the RP community has suffered since the opening of Wyrmrest Accord and everyone has seen a sharp decline in numbers.  But at the same time as it’s brought out the lazy in some folks, it’s brought out the best in others.  One of the new blogs on the blogroll is one of those “bests” — Ravine of Lichbane has started a new blog with fiction and discussion of RP issues that I plan to be following closely myself.

Other recent addition to the blogroll is Erik’s blog.  I’ve known Erik and gamed with him for a long time (back since the days when I was almost exclusively doing things ISRP).  Lately, he’s been getting his campaign setting ready to hopefully query more gaming companies with.  I’ve seen bits and fragments of it, and while 4E is Greek to me, the flavor bits and pieces (which I think he really wanted me to pay attention to) are looking pretty good.

Also poked at Aurora Force with a stick, got set up for Michael Bullian’s tragic death at the Battle of Ithor.  I probably need to start drafting how that’s going to happen so I have it together and ready to go when we get that far.  If we ever get that far.

All in all, considering I spent several hours by a pool every day I was away, it was a pretty productive trip!  I’ll have to post pictures up here soon.