Epsilon/UoC update – It’s official, they’re going rogue on me.

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Like the title says, it’s official: Caren Flannery, Aaron Taylor, et. al. are going rogue on me.  This was in the wake of a plot revelation that came to me last night as I was laying down to go to sleep, which prompted me to roll out of bed, turn on the light, and scribble said plot revelation on the whiteboard next to my bed that used to contain paragraphs for my thesis (which is now on the shelves at Kresge Library if folks are curious) and my work schedule at the store.  More plotbunnies attacked this afternoon, which led to a partial re-imagining of a darling I thought that I’d killed off.  C’est la vie, it is as it is and will be what it will be (which, in this case, is interesting to say the least since I think the re-imagined scene will work a lot better for the narrative as a whole).  However, this turn of events is causing me to reconsider how long Epsilon will actually be and what’s actually going to be happening in Book 1.

That is to say it’s probably going to be longer than the predicted 90,000 words.

On another note, a friend of mine from GVSU, Jessica, has sort of volunteered to maybe try her hand at some book covers for me–we’ll see how that works out!  I’m grateful for the offer, since I’m not much good at the artsy stuff (other than writing, sewing, and jewelry, that is).  She’s currently got some drafts of stuff to look over so she knows what she’d be getting into and I’m looking forward to her feedback.


As for me, tonight is dinner and Captain America with Mike.  A grand time shall be had by all!  Critiques on the Epsilon book 1 draft at Critique Circle continue to be positive and only hitting on small things, nothing glaring, huge, and ugly.  Chapter 3 starts getting critiques next week (I was only able to post the first half so far, though I may try to post the second half in the same week if it’s possible).  Tomorrow, back to the writerly grindstone.

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2 Replies to “Epsilon/UoC update – It’s official, they’re going rogue on me.”

    1. We liked it quite a bit. MUCH better than Cowboys and Aliens, which we saw last night and was…ahem. Special. As in needs.

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