This session’s music: The Night by Disturbed
Call it a first. We never get through that much material on a single night of gaming. David was shocked we pressed so far (he had two scenes prepped — one involving a combat sequence, the other not involving a combat sequence. The dice liked us, and we made it through combat quicker than anticipated). Two scenes in one night. Usually takes us longer.
But I digress.
After escaping from Mei’s brain and hopefully controlling her leakage issues, we forged onward, heading toward where we figured the Well of Forever was located. As we soldiered on, we encountered troops mustering for a major offensive–French, cyberpapacy troops as well as NATO/US/allied troops getting ready to lay the smack down on the technodemons. Their survival is far from assured and victory…well. I’m not going to get into what I think their chances really are.
We did have another close encounter with Galen, who ended up leading us down to the caves that held an ancient temple and the Well of Forever. He told us a bit about what the location really is–a place where reality thins. Each world has its own Well. This one is…well…kind of a mess due to the Tharkoldu encroachment on the area (if Ren had a way to make it a hard point…she probably would). He also explained to us that there is a piece lacking from the story we got at the Temple of the Starfire Wheel — there is a third piece, one that lays between creation and destruction: the matter which is the object of creation and destruction, the form. That is what Grace’s symbiote, Void, is linked to (perhaps actually is–I’m not sure).
Of course, we come to quickly find out that’s what Odyle wanted from us, why she wanted us to come to the Well–she needs Void for her plan. Of course, she was in no mood to play nice with any of us, nor was she in the mood (at first) to let us know what she was planning. When she started to lose control of matters and Fred started to get…well…upset with her, she sicced a group of technodemons on us.
I was shocked by the fact that it was a standard, not a dramatic scene. Then David reminded me that it wasn’t scene four yet. And I was like “Crap.”
We, however, were largely competant when it came to dice. I took the fight as an opportunity to play with the fighting style that Ren had been learning from Grant before we left London for France, the style he and Allison had created.
Giving enemies setback results based on running around like crazy people is fun. And useful.
It was all over in under ten rounds–six technodemons dead and we weren’t in bad shape, either.
And then we went off chasing Odyle and Fred, who’d walked out of the chamber. We found Odyle. Fred is apparently on his way back to Avignon (and probably his imminent demise. Damn him!)…and she was soon to be away as well.
She wants to destroy everything and then rebuild it. She wants Void to help her. Void…doesn’t see a reason not to see what Odyle’s all about, but–mercifully–doesn’t trust Odyle. Morality is lost on the poor symbiote. But Void told us where Odyle is going: Avignon, with Void and the Wheel, to where the pope’s Darkness Device rests.
To destroy the world and create it anew.
We’re off gaming this coming week due to Youmacon (I, unfortunately, will be wholly unable to attend due to work). We will see what lies ahead of us come November 5, when we gaze into the Well of Forever…and the Well gazes back.