Torg update – Session of 15 October 2009

Theme music for this week: Duvet by Boa

So during the last session, we essentially got to see what rattles around in the buried, lost parts of Mei’s mind.  When she pulled out her limiter chip…she did more damage to herself than she thought.  Imagine that!  Because things are never as simple as they seem.  Our nightmares have been all her fault– no wonder they started before we actually got into Tharkold!

Things started out simple enough.  We camped at the base of the poor dead man that we buried with honors.  Mable and Ren had a fight about Ren wanting Mable to listen so Mable doesn’t get killed…and Mable says that if she died she would die with honor and that’s more important than staying alive.  This resulted in Ren announcing that she was taking a walk, which she did.  And then was later joined by Christian, who got to be the first PC to see Ren break down and cry in the wake of recent events (*gasp*  the ice bitch is HUMAN? imagine that).

In the morning, we moved on and thought that we ran afoul of a group of technodemons–or so we thought.  This, however, wasn’t the case.  Galen told us (well, told Ren, who told everyone else) that we were caught in something called a mindquake and what we were seeing wasn’t real.  Of course, the rabbit hole went much, much deeper than that.

Basically, we got a total review of Mei’s history–everything that she didn’t remember started to fall into place.  She and Galen have known each other for a very, very long time (it’s kind of sweet, actually).  She’s the object of a prophecy that had been captured by the technodemons, then “rescued” by the Americans, and then escaped again and was rescued by Galen, who gave her a series of false memories–to protect her, in part.  Then he dropped her off in Philadelphia with Decker and told him that if a group was heading to France, she should be sent with them (we’re such pawns of fate, I swear.  Ren turned to Mei at one point, held out her hand, and said, “Hi, I’m Death, nice to meet you.”  Mei replies, “Hi, I’m the Hanged Man, it’s a pleasure.”).

The big problem is this: Mei has to keep mental control if she’s not going to project/capture us in her brain.  Mei is…not the most mentally stable of the group (then again, I have to wonder who is).

And this week?  This week we go to the Well of Forever.  And we have no plan as to how we’re going to handle this.  We’re so boned.

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