So…apparently, Aaron wants to visit his darkest hour sooner than intended. I’ve been thinking, and maybe draft 3.5.1 is in the offing (which basically means another fast forward and 3.5, like 3.0, becomes background for everything that comes later). Anyhow, that’s what’s percolating in my brain, and has been since about 5:15 this evening. We’ll see what’s born of it after I sleep on it, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea–the more it makes sense to me, more sense than starting it with the mission that breaks him and telling that story pretty much start to finish.
Besides, in the end, the Carmiline mission, for all the explosions, is pretty boring. And I’m having trouble writing it up anyhow, despite the amount of background it establishes. Probably because it’s all that–background. The more I stew, the more I figure out about people who used to be almost throw-away characters (Jack Mallek comes to mind), and realize that they’re less throw-away characters than I actually thought they were. They had reasons for being that are developing almost faster than I can make note of what’s developing around them.
So I think that I’m going to be starting that draft 3.5.1…and seeing what happens next.