Torg update – Session of 3 September 2009

So after a somewhat insane day at the university, I got to play Torg on Thursday night, yay!

We picked up on the deck of Red Hood’s ship and chatted with Galen a bit more.  We were told last week (and I forgot to mention it) that Mable had been infected with killer nanites that were trying to decide whether or not they should kill her–they were designed to kill her Race (or something) counterpart.  As a result of this revelation, she spent a lot of time drinking with Chris.

Mei and Ren can’t make heads or tails of the prophecy that Mei’s trying to sort out.  There’s a few theories floating around in Ren’s brain and she likes none of her theories.  At all.

Galen reported that the new hardware on Fred was keeping him alive.  This got Ren even more worried (she’s very concerned that somehow Odette/Odyle has a kill switch on him, or has otherwise programmed him to do something very, very nasty to the group) and caused Galen to observe that she struck him as someone who worries a lot.  She admitted to it, but asked who else was going to do the worrying.  Galen wanted to know if she was familiar with ulcers and Ren told him she didn’t have one.  “Yet.”  Galen says.  And he’s probably right.

After that, Galen wandered over to Grace and talked to her about Rosebud, her alien symboite we found originally in the Temple of the Starfire Wheel.  He told her in order to get Rosebud back, she had to be patient, humble, and something else.  Either way, the three together had the rest of us snickering and saying “Oh man.  She’s never getting that thing back!”

We decide, ultimately, to go back to one of our many beginnings–the Temple of the Starfire Wheel–to hopefully find something that’s like a clue to where this Well of Forever is.  The Red Hood thinks this is an utterly fantastic idea and decides to continue to chauffer us around–at least for a little while longer.  Ren isn’t about to be looking any gift horses in the mouth at this point and takes what she can get.

We find the Temple of the Starfire Wheel in a little more disrepair than it was before–that is, someone had removed large sections of pictographs from the walls.  We found a passageway that we hadn’t found the first time and Mable blew it open with a shaped charge (much to Ren’s dismay).  At the far end of the place we find a niche that has the D.E.M.O.N. emblem resting in it–clearly, that wasn’t what was originally there.  We all decide that it’s a trap, and Grant finally tells the group what he and Ren had discussed in the past–that Odette had probably been working toward this all along.  Ren admits to trying to kill Odette/Odyle while they were in France and says that if she thought she could have shot straight, she’d have tried to take her out when they first saw her in the streets during the papal speech.  Further, Grant theorizes that the people that made it to the Temple of the Starfire Wheel were deliberately brought there (there was no way that Ren should have survived a Tharkoldu raid, and she admits it).  It was all arranged–and he’s probably just paranoid enough to be right.

The group decides, over Ren’s quiet objections, that we should go to the D.E.M.O.N. installation in Austria where she had worked, regardless of whether or not it’s a trap.  And so we set off again, flying north.

Of course, our troubles neither began nor ended there.  En route, someone spots something on an intercept course.  Rocket Rangers, but of an evil variety.  Mable is livid.  These are the men that killed her fiancee, she tells us.  (Ren was like “What’s going on?  You know about these guys?”  Mable: “They killed my fiancee!”  Ren:  “Oh.  Okay.”)  So now we’re set to fight them, even though they have the advantage of more mobility in flight than we have.

This having been said, we have a grenade launcher and a plasma cannon.  God help us all.

Torg update – Session of 27 August 2009

So…after three weeks without game, we actually got to play last week (and of course, I procrastinate on my update).  We’d been left with some pretty significant cliffhangers from the session before (GM’s never allowed to give us another cliffhanger before a week off ever again–especially if he’s going to get Con plague) and most of the session dealt with the resolution of those cliffhangers.

Grace’s resolution was perhaps the most anticlimatic.  The Marquis just…walked away.  Told her where to find Fred and just left.  There was a lot of blinking that went into that.

Ano found himself looking at a lump of flesh and metal that was Frederico DeSoto in a stupor worse than any alcohol-induced haze than we’ve ever seen him in.  What’s worse?  Ano has no hope of lifting this guy up, and his only job is to get him the hell out of there.  Even between him and Grace (who arrived to help), they could barely get him moving.  Of course, they had a little more excitement on the way out…

Topside, things aren’t going so well for Mei, Chris, and Mable.  They’re in a stalemate with the Hunter–one of them agaisnt him would almost certainly lose.  Mei and Chris, of course, start fighting over who’s going to grab Mable and run.  Chris decides it’s going to be him.  This plan is full of fail.  Mei ends up pulling out the chip that’s a governor on her ability to use bullet-time (thus killing the limits on the ability) and does a very good job of distracting the Hunter while Christian grabs Mable and starts to run….and sees the Marquis quietly leaving.  The Marquis who he has a major bone to pick with.

In the meantime, Ren plays prisoner with Odyle (who backpedals on bits of things she said before).  The plan of Ren attempting to fake being Allison didn’t work so well (partially due to GM confusion), but “WWAD” definately paid off when Odyle was getting ready to zot Ren into a pit.  A well-placed distraction and a high-tech bullet put Odyle down long enough for Ren and Grant to make an escape–and quickly learn that the cavalry (which is to say, a bunch of crazy French knights on the side of the pope) is on the way.

Grace, Ano, and Fred have a close encounter with the result of Grace’s Nemesis card, an Executioner named the Sorrow.  He’s got it out for Grace–and she gets a taste of some pain before he bails out.  Ren and Grant arrive shortly thereafter and all five head for the surface.

In the meantime, Chris has grabbed Mable and made a run for it….then proceeded to drop Mable somewhere “safe” along the way and made a move on the Marquis, who he managed to get by his metal gorget.  They exchange some harsh words–some of which are important, such as the Marquis admitting that he knows where Odyle/Odette is going.  She’s headed east, to something called the Well of Forever (also called the Well of Souls in some references, according to the GM, but we don’t know that in character yet).  He warned that anyone looking into the well to find truth should be careful, because sometimes the well looks back.  This information is later passed on to the rest of us.  Before letting the Marquis go, Chris vows to end him should they meet again.  I’m not looking forward to meeting this guy ever again myself (Ren doesn’t really like the taste of drywall, thank you).

I don’t rightfully remember what sent the Hunter scurrying (was it a bunch of Tachicomas?  probably), but we did start booking down the streets of Avignon, really not sure how we were going to get the hell out of the city–and Mara didn’t have any ideas on that one, either.  Odyle shows up with this gun bigger than she is and gets ready to take shots at us….only to be distracted by Tachicomas that were really, really happy to see her.  She wastes one and then they get really confused.  We ran.

And then the Red Hood and her zepplin rescue us–someone called in a favor (not Yuri; I have my theories on who might have been responsible for saving our arses, though), though she won’t tell us who it was.  And we’re sailing away, to the east–putting as much sky between us and France as possible about now.

The first morning we’re on the zep, the Technomage that’s been haunting Mei shows up…and starts talking.  He’s in violation of some rules by coming and talking to us, he tells us.  I don’t remember getting to talk much before we called for the night (it was already 10 by the time we got rescued, which didn’t leave a lot of time for heavy plot discussions).

Torg update – session of 6 August 2009

So…a plan come up with shortly before leaving for session kind of sort of worked (yes, Vee, you’re right and we’re crazy, but maybe what we ended up doing might work out for us).  No evacuation plan for the Inquisition prison we were going to break into…but misdirection seemed to work in our favor, at least for a while.

While on our way to the site of the Inquisition prison where Frederico DeSoto’s being held, Ren suggests that maybe we should let Mable set off some explosive distractions–the sort of things that will let some of us sneak inside hopefully unnoticed.  She intended it to be a lot more hands-off than it ended up being, but in the end I’m generally more flexible than most.  The plan, of course, gets changed even before we start setting it up and the group splits between an infiltration team (Ren, Grant, Grace, and Ano) and team violence (Christian, Mei, and Mable).  Grant and Mable are going to rig up some explosives in optimal places and Grant’s going to find a good way in for the infiltration team first and then we’re going to start in, hoping to rescue Fred without everyone getting dead.

Ren, of course, chooses this moment to grab Grant by the collar and kiss him full-on, earning a surprised (but not displeased) look from him and a very dirty look from Mable.  She tells him to be careful and he tells her “It’s better with the mask.”  And then Mable and Grant go to set up explosives for the distraction team violence will be responsible for.  They come back in the same amount of pieces we went them off in.  In the meantime, Ren muses to herself about wearing the mask or not.  She decides she’s going to.

Team violence wanders off first.  They walk into what appears (key word being “appears”) to be a run-down old Cathedral.  Inside appears to be more of the same until Mei notices and wastes a camera.  Which results in a hologram appearing–a hologram of our good friend the Marquis, the same one who put some of us (ie, Ren) through walls while we were in Japan, the same one we hoped had died in that warehouse we tried to blow up in Japan.  He advises us to get the hell out of Dodge.  He’s basically told in his dreams, we’re coming to get Fred and that’s the end of it (we’re really not sure why Christian decided to tell him that we were after Fred).  Which earned us a “bring it” and the hologram disappearing.  Mei finds the entrance to the lower levels–basically, the prison and the like–and rips the door up and open.

Violence ensues, though it’s a bit of time before we get the explosion that the infiltration team was waiting for.  As soon as we get that first explosion, Grant takes off like a shot without saying a word and the rest of us are at his heels.  Of course, we’re in the first hallway when we just barely miss getting toasted by a trap (he saved Ren, again) but with the infiltration team cut in half by a very, very heavy stone slab.  Of course…this could be both a good thing and a bad thing.  It depends on who you ask.  So Ren and Grant head off to find Fred while Grace and Ano are left to figure out another way in.

Insane violence is taking place outside.  Ano and Grace find a new way into the tunnels…but it’s not too long before they run into our old friend the Marquis.  Grace starts trying to talk to him after throwing Ano back down the hallway.  Grant and Ren reach an impasse and have two options: either they wander around blindly trying to find the prison cells or they abuse some guards and “convince” them to tell us where they are.  Grant is once again surprised when Ren’s okay with hitting the abuse the guard button.  So we run into a group of four guards.  Grant pwns three of them and Ren trains both guns on the last and makes him shit himself in fear (apparently, the punk didn’t feel very lucky).  And then she gets to see a bit of Grant’s dark side (…something tells me he’s a little surprised how okay with it she is) as he “convinces” the guard to tell us where to find the prison cells before the guard is rendered violently unconscious.

Meanwhile, topside, the demon that almost gutted Grant the day before has shown up and gotten its claws into Mable.  Thank god that Mei was paying attention, because otherwise we’d be needing another demolitions tech.  Things went from bad to worse up there because the demon has a slight edge on Mei.  Chris eventually manages to intervene and they slowly start to push the demon back.  And that’s the cliffhanger they were left with.

Somewhere between the surface and the prison cells, Grace manages to get some interesting information out of the Marquis.  Apparently, he’s been questioning a lot of the same things we’ve been questioning.  Grace finally asks him, “Why don’t you just let us take Fred and leave France and never come back.”

Marquis: “What does that get me other than killed by the Inquistors for losing my charge?”

Grace pauses, and then: “You could always come with us.”

And that’s the cliffhanger that she was left with.

Grant and Ren reach the prison block after abusing some more guards.  Grant produces a ring of keys and once again brings up the phrase, “You’re not going to like this.”

“You use that around me a lot.”

“Well, you tend to not like anything that involves danger.”

Which is true.  Danger means people are going to get hurt.  Getting hurt is bad.  But once again she surprises him.  He’s managed to lift a key ring from one of the guards, but this is a place where they lock up all kinds of bad people.  We’ve got to open cells and let some potentially very nasty shit loose.  Ren grins at him and holds out her hand for the key ring.

“You’re a better shot than I am.”

This he can’t disagree with.  But before Ren can get the first door unlocked, Odyle shows up and starts taunting Ren.  Of course, Ren deduces that she’s here to cause trouble–big surprise.  Grant’s disappeared in the meantime, and Ren trusts that he’ll have her back if she needs him–when she needs him the most, since that’s his style.  Odyle underestimates Ren, thinking that she hadn’t made a decision on whether or not she can hurt the girl.  Ren, of course, has made her decision.

Damn guns jamming.  Odyle gets annoyed with Ren’s attempt to solve the problem once and for all and smacks her in the head with her zotty staff.  It was pain.  Odyle asks if she’s ready to do it the easy way now.  Ren shrugs and decides to play prisoner, for the time being.  And that’s where my cliffhanger was, in part.

Ano, meanwhile, has made it to Fred’s cell at about the same time as Grant, who looks at Ano and tells him that his only job now is to get the man in that cell safely out of the prison.

Grant: “I left someone behind that I have to go pick up.”

He picks the lock and dashes off.  And that’s where we cut for the evening.

We’ll have a week off next week since some of the crew will be at GenCon.  I’ve teased David about consistently giving us cliffhangers when we’re going to be off for a week.  It happens every time.

It’ll be interesting to see how all of this plays out.  Hopefully–hopefully–in our favor.  We’ll have to see.

Torg Update – Session of 30 July 2009

So…it was a mostly a recap evening last Thursday with us chasing ourselves in circles and arguing. A lot of arguing. But then…there were four Terran/Nile Empire characters in the room staring daggers at each other and not agreeing on anything. So we go in circles.

On a lighter note, we totally got to meet Dr. Mara Hatchi-Two and Christopher Bryce (well, we kind of got to meet Dr. Bryce). And Yuri showed up again, which of course had Grace even more in knots than usual.

Of course, me being me, I don’t actually get to lecture Grant like I wanted to because it’s so bloody hard to do in front of the rest of the group. Because it is, damn it all!

So, we found out that Fred has indeed been captured and that necessitates a jail break. Which will hopefully not get us all killed, though we have very little faith in this, and here’s why: The witch-hunter that found us in Japan, the one we tried to kill by blowing up a freakin’ building? Yup, he’s the one that’s got Fred. I have no idea how we’re going to deal with him, but I’d better come up with something sometime between now and 8 eastern (probably should come up with something by 6:30 eastern, since I’ll have to discuss it with Jen in the car on the way in and pass a note to Trish before study ha–err. I mean pass a note to Trish before we try to get ourselves all killed). I really don’t want to get Ren killed–mostly because I’m not certain who I’d play (though a realm-running version of Cmdr. Brigid O’Connell or Colonel Tim McConaway could be interesting) but also because I think the party would completely disentegrate without her.

Grant made a suggestion, prefacing it with a “You’re not going to like this plan.” Which Ren didn’t, since he suggested getting someone captured so we’d have a man on the inside. Which, of course, didn’t fly very well with Ren for various reasons (one of which being that Grant would probably be the one getting himself captured). It just doesn’t seem to be a good idea to have to have two people to rescue rather than just one. That was the largest chunk of the issue. To her thinking, the group needs to stay together as much as possible. That’s just the way it is.

I have a feeling we’re in deep, deep trouble with this one. but time will tell.

Torg update – session of 23 July 2009

Let it be known across the land that Dr. Ren Colby is a mess.

Last week, the heroic (hair-brained?) death of Albert Westin caused a major panic across the streets of Avignon, since he turned into a werewolf and lept onto the dias where the pope was standing, giving a speech that was a call to crusade against demons–demons like the scary, snarling werewolf that turned some random guy in the pope’s entourage into goo (I know he wasn’t a random guy, I’m just not exactly sure who it actually was).  Panic in the streets ensues and suddenly, there’s two groups of us seperated in a city gone insane.

Ren, of course, is on drugs and bleeding from the neck after trying to hack the GodNet.  So render her (and me) halfway to useless for most of the session.  I was largely comic relief for quite a wihle (for all the seriousness of the content of this week’s session…most of us laughed so hard we couldn’t breathe).  Mercifully, she’s with…the newly dubbed “Team requires Adult Supervision”–two of our Nile characters, Grace and Mable (Molotov Dolly).  Of course, being on drugs and blood loss…Ren isn’t exactly adult supervision at this time.  The three ladies end up trying to work their way back to where we were staying without incident.  But when does anything ever happen to us without incident?  That’s right, next to never.

In the meantime, Grant, Anotep, and Mei have been left to their own devices in the courtyard where the speech was being held.  Thank god Grant was there, because if he hadn’t been, I don’t think that we’d have ever seen Anotep and Mei ever again.  They start threading their way through the crowds, also trying to get back to our lodgings.  Also like the ladies…nothing goes according to plan.

Yeah, so that's what Mei, Ano, and Grant ran into
Yeah, so that's what Mei, Ano, and Grant ran into

Grant, Anotep, and Mei get lost in some side streets that are more like alleyways–a result of Grant’s attempt to steer Mei clear of people, which were pushing her to the brink of a complete and total meltdown.  At a point, as things start to get damper and cooler, they stop and Mei asks Grant if he’s sure they’re going the right way.  He tells her very slowly that they aren’t, but he’s not looking at her — he’s looking at something else.  And it’s ugly, and it’s in armor, and it wants to eat their faces.  Badly.

So Mei comes up with a plan–and it wasn’t a bad plan, considering she was in powered armor.  She was going to pwn it in the face as a distraction so the “squishies” (Anotep and Grant) could run and then she was going to bring up the rear and keep herself between them and the fugly.  Brilliant plan.  It would have worked, too, if Grant’s hero gene hadn’t flared up again.

For the record, when he wakes up…Ren is either going to slug him or jump his bones.  Maybe both.  Either way, there’s a lecture in his future.

Mei was in the process of stabbing the ugly in the face and Anotep had started to run when Grant takes out his pistols and starts his run.  He runs up Mei’s back, steps on her head and jumps, firing down on the ugly as he’s flipping in mid-air and lands behind the thing.

He’s wearing no armor.

This thing has claws.

And it used them on Grant.  It whirled, plunged its claws into his belly, and slams him against the wall.  He goes down, unconscious and bleeding.  Mei is like “Shit.”

I’m flailing at the other end of the table, unable to do anything since I’m nowhere near where they are.

Continue reading “Torg update – session of 23 July 2009”

Torg update – session of 16 July 2009

So another one bit the dust.  We all saw Albert’s imminent demise comimg as players, though probably not quite in the spectacular fashion he went out.  Though I get ahead of myself.

We start out on the pilgrim road to Avignon with a potential crusader against the technodemons.  He’s rabble-rousing and building a peasant army as we go, Ren is getting sicker and sicker to her stomach as we skirt along the border of Germany and France, where the evidence of slave raiding is quite clear.  She knows what that looks and feels like.  This, of course, means she gets more and more quiet and withdrawn as we move along the border.  Grace asks what’s wrong and Ren lies through her teeth.  Of course nothing’s wrong!

So, at one point as we’re getting closer to Avignon, Grace wanders away from camp to clean her weapons.  She proceeds to get into a fight with the Executioner we met before, who apparently wants to know what we’re up to before he kills us all.  In the meantime, ignorant of Grace’s straits, Ren pulls Mable out into the woods to talk about Allison, who Ren wants to know more about.  This is going to have to be played out via e-mail a bit since Liz doesn’t know much about Allison (David’s the one with all of that information).  We end up stumbling upon the aftermath of the little duel between the Executioner and Grace but don’t learn very much about the situation.

We make Avignon a few days later, and it’s a seething mass of humanity so thick you can barely move in the streets.  Amotep keeps going on and on about how awful and disease-ridden it is, saying that slaves in Egypt aren’t treated this badly (Grant turns to Ren at her eyeroll and says “Well, it’s true.”).  Ren doesn’t disagree that it’s bad, she just chooses not to dwell on how bad it is.  We eventually make it to our quarters in a less dirty area of the city and settle in for the night.  Much to Mei’s chagrin, she’s been informed that the pope is giving a speech the next day that’s essentially going to be the call to crusade against the technodemons and that we’re all going to go listen.  All right, minor wrench in our plans, since part of the reason we’d come to Avignon was to continue our hunt for DeSoto.  So…we come up with yet another plan.  We decide that while we’re at the speech, before the speech, Mable is going to swoon and Grace and Ren are going to drag her off to go lay down–of course, we’re not going to actually go lay down, we’re going to go hack the GodNet to see if we can get a lead on where DeSoto is.  The others are going to stay and listen to the speech because we really don’t have a way to get them out of it.

So the next morning, we go to the speech almost before the sun’s up.  Mable isn’t going to have a hard time faking a faint in her outfit, since she can barely breathe (she gets a promise that we’ll loosen her ties after we’re out of the crowds).  We actually get primo “seats” for this speech–we can actually see that there’s figures on the dias from where we’re standing!  Mable fakes her faint and the three of us beat feet further away to find a place to do our hacking.  We eventually find our way to a saint’s shrine that has a terminal that Ren sneaks in to try to access as the speech begins.

Problem.  There’s no keyboard.

So Ren sneaks back out and tells Mable and Grace that we need a new plan.  Mable asks why and Ren brings her inside to show her.  Mable looks at the apparatus for a few minutes and finally says that we don’t have any other choices–Ren’s going to have to improvise a head jack for herself to get into the computer, which is an idea that Ren’s wholly uncomfortable with.  But she does it anyway, since someone’s got to and she’s the only one with a chance at success.

So she novacanes herself up and stabs a needle into the back of her neck with some wires attached with Mable’s help and then she’s in the GodNet.

…and God talks to her.  It’s kind of scary.

And of course, the OS and organization of this computer system makes no sense.  So Ren starts working at trying to sort through that mess so she can start trying to find the information she needs.

In the meantime, Albert has moved forward in the crowds listening to the speech, having seen someone on the dias he recognized (and apparently needed to kill).  And someone starts tapping on the back of Mei’s armor.

Ting ting ting ting ting!

“Stop it!”

Ting ting ting ting ting!

“Stop it!”

Ting ting ting ting ting!

Stop it!” 

She finally turns around and there’s Odette, but it’s not Odette, it’s her evil half.  And she taunts Mei.  This is very amusing, since Mei is played by Odette’s former character (and David plays a very, very bad Odette.  Which is fine, since we’re dealing with Odayle, Odette’s evil half).  Of course, Amotep is staring at this mess very confused and Grant is the color of a bedsheet since he can’t do a damned thing without blowing all of us.  Odette finishes her taunting of them and then bounces off to come find where we are.

And a few minutes later, Albert makes his move.  Trish drops a martyr card, goes RAWR PUPPY and leaps up onto the dias, turning one figure up there into goo.

Then proceeds to be obliterated by energy weapons fire.  Chaos and panic ensues.  Chaos and panic Ren can feel on the GodNet.  So she starts to pull out.  As she’s pulling out, she hears the obnoxiously endearing voice of an old ally, our good friend the Tachicomas:

“Hey!  Where’d you go?!”

And then she’s out demanding to know what’s going on.  Grace tells her Albert just got himself killed.  Ren utters a string of explicatives and tries to get back onto the GodNet, but the node is dead–like the system’s shut down as a security protocol in the midst of the panic.

And then Odette finds us.  She taunts Grace, wondering aloud if Odette was ever real, is she in the back of Odayle’s head screaming to get out, to make Odayle stop.  Grace isn’t sure what to do.  Odette/Odayle taunts Ren.  Ren counters.  She taunts us all.  Frederico DeSoto comes up in the midst of the conversation.  Odette/Odayle says she really didn’t care much for him anyway and skips away.  Ren laughs.

“Lying is a sin.”

And then we stumble out into the mess to try to find the others, or our way back to our lodgings.  We’re not sure which yet.  I’m bleeding from the neck thanks to my attempt to hack the GodNet.  I’m muchly looking forward to Grant’s reaction to that.  As Jen said in the car…at least it’d get them talking again.


…and as a side note…there was a zepplin that looked Nile when we arrived in Avignon.  Grant and Mable both confirmed that it could be from there, but it wasn’t anything they knew about.  So we’ll have to check that out.  Soon…

Torg Update, session of 9 July 2009

So, two weeks ago in Torg, in the session I didn’t actually write anything about since not much happened, we’d picked up Amhotep, an Egyptian mathematician (read: math wizard-priest) that we’d met while we were in Cairo (this character is a replacement for Amarant) while still in London and then picked up Molotov Dolly (real name: Mable; Terran Mystery Man) on the way into what’s left of the Chunnel, having decided that it was probably the best and safest way to get to France from England.  After weathering another reality storm, we ended up running into an Executioner on the CyberFrance side of the Chunnel who told us to turn around and leave, or die.  Of course, we can’t turn around and leave since we have to rescue DeSoto, figure out this Odette/Mariah tangle, and get the Starfire Wheel back from the bad guys (ie, the pope).  So we keep going.  (Apparently, the executioner also told Mei Lin that it was nice to see her again.  How delightfully odd.)  At the far end of the tunnel, we find a red, sharp-edged metal spade made of the same sort of material as the executioner’s helmet with the name “Carrie” on it–Carrie being the real name of our very own Grace.  This was two weeks ago.

This week, we trekked through the French countryside.  Of course, someone has informed the local lord that there are strangers in his land (I’m going to lay odds on the executioner, but who knows who told him) and he tracks us down.  Luckily, we bluff him into thinking we’re not as weird as we actually look (…of course, now that I think about it, this could totally be a trap and we just walked right into it — Ren should PROBABLY pull Grant and Mable aside and share this fear) and the local lord, Faust something-or-other, invites us home with him, assuming that Ren, Grace, and Anhotep are servants to Mei Lin, Albert, Grant, and Mable.  This results in three of us basically being left to our own devices when not needed by our “lords and lady” or being summoned to prayer (upshot of the prayer part is that Ren’s learning more and more about the differences between Catholicism and the new orthodoxy in France) and thus left us to sit back and be entertained by the social blunderings of poor Mei Lin, who is posing as a young male cyberknight.

Who got us invited to go on Crusade.  Lovely.  At least it gets us on the road to Avignon.

On the road to Avignon, Ren told Mable what she knew about gospog fields after mentioning that there could be real trouble if all the people Lord Faust had been rallying actually decided to go on Crusade against the demons–they’d just be more bodies to plant.  The next night on the road, Mei Lin gets a strange feeling and wanders out into the woods, only to run into something she described as a Techomage–something she thought was only a myth.  He had said his name was Galen, and then spouted something at her about a prophecy — apparently, we’re in the second round of a prophecy, one where we must “wake the sleeper.”  Albert suspects the sleeper is Odette.  Anhotep dropped Mei Lin into a vivid dreaming to hopefully find out more information….and waiting for her to wake up is about where we left off for the night.

So, apparently CyberFrance is going off to war against the Technodemons that were assaulting NATO forces that Ren was formerly attached to in Germany and further east.  Bloody glorious.  We’re all in scads of trouble.  Scads.